
Extending eye care to the vulnerable population is a key mandate for FORSEE Canada’s humanitarian appeal. These mobile eyecare missions are conducted in a variety of settings such as local homeless shelters, refugee homes, overseas medical clinics and remote eye camps.

In these varied settings our volunteering ophthalmologists, optometrists, opticians, medical trainees and support team provide much needed care that would otherwise be neglected or delayed leading to further visual impairment. FORSEE Canada has recognized that vision loss is a global concern that requires an integrated approach and as such community engagement is a requisite requirement. To help facilitate a deeper understanding of local and global vision impairment, FORSEE Canada provides funding for a Social Eyecare Scholarship. This competitively awarded scholarship is directed for medical trainees or post-secondary students pursuing an advanced degree within public health and/or clinical epidemiology. This scholarship helps bridge local health care solutions for the community at large, with the ultimate mandate of addressing vision impairment on a global scale.